Wow! 2014 has come and gone. I find myself reflecting back on the year and thinking to myself, ‘what a year’!. A day daily filled with one tragedy after another. Famine, cyclone, pestilence, wars etc. name it yep it was in 2014. From the deadly Ebola which eats you from inside out within days of just being in the environment of a carrier, to airplanes falling off like flies, to persecution of Christians with the intent to wipe them off the planet, then their is the barbaric wars where human beings are having their throats slit open like chickens off an industrial belt.
Gone are the days where you leave home carefree knowing certainly that you are coming back home after a days work. Crazy people are all around, people are getting their heads removed even in the bus!. The value of life is pittance, valueless. African nations continue to have civil war inflicts in many nations and then their is Nigeria where human sacrifice has become rampant, people being highjacked in buses, on their way to school by ritualist, who need their body parts for rituals, people covenanting with the devil for wealth, power, political elevation etc. The body of Christ has sadly had its own share too, Church leaders abandoning heavenly mandates for the earthly world and the pleasures it brings. There is confusion, poverty, depression, an increase in chrsitian divorces and alarming rate of suicides especially in the young generation. SIMPLY PUT ‘THERE IS NO PEACE IN THE WORLD’.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27
Song: ‘In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song
So what does 2015 hold?, with all this doom and gloom
There can be no Peace without Jesus!. There can be no protection without Jesus!. There can be no Joy without Jesus!.
“And Enoch walked with God.” Gen. 5:24
Get yourself and your family protected under the canopy of the Almighty God. In Him only we have an assurance that ‘He that keeps you neither sleeps nor slumber’ psalm 121. The bible says ‘The righteous run into him and they are saved’ His name is a Fortified Tower!. proverbs 18:10. There is no time for confusion or being misguided to think you can go it alone. ‘The devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour’ Be alert, be sober minded!. 1Peter5:8
Look back on your life what has doing it my way brought you?, What about your friends, your confidants?. Who can you trust except to run to the Cross. BE DETERMINED TO WALK WITH GOD 2015. Have a walking, talking, praying, fasting, night vigil relationship with your creator this 2015. I challenge you to left Him take over your life, give Him the opportunity to grow in you and see what will happen.
Walking with God means moving alongside God in unity and faith as you pass through your life’s journey. For the most part, focusing on God and following His lead will keep you on the right path.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Rev 3:20
So whats my first 3 steps to take?
Understand the Concept
Think about walking with someone in the physical world. To understand what it means to walk with God on a spiritual level, consider what it means to literally take a walk with a friend or relative. Ask yourself how you interact with that person. What do you expect from that individual, and how to you speak and behave in return?
- When you take a walk with someone, the two of you are traveling in one direction. Your steps move at a similar pace so that neither one of you leaves the other behind. You talk with each other and your attention remains on one another. In short, there is an overall sense of harmony, unity, and community between the two of your during your walk.
Look for notable examples of people who walked with God in the Bible
Scriptures contain a few different examples of men and women who followed God, Abrham, David, Apostle Paul etc, but to understand what it means to walk with God, look specifically for examples using that exact phrase—“walk with God.”
- Enoch is the first person man in the Bible said to walk with God, and as such, he is possibly the most common example used to illustrate the concept. According the Scripture, “Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:22–24).
- The gist of this passage is that Enoch was in close community with God throughout all the years of his life, so much so that God took him away to Paradise at the end of his days. While this passage does not suggest that anyone who walks with God will be taken to Heaven without seeing death, it does imply that walking with God opens up the pathway there.
Focus on God
Let go of distractions. Before you can focus on God, you need to let go of all the worldly things that distract you from your relationship with God. These distractions may not be “sins,” per se, but they include anything that you intentionally or subconsciously prioritize over God.
- Think again about what it’s like to walk with a friend. If your friend spent the entire time on his or her cell phone rather than interacting with you, the walk would not be very enjoyable, and you wouldn’t actually be walking “together” on a meaningful level. Similarly, the distractions you focus on instead of focusing on God can prevent you from really walking together with God.
- Sins that you cling to create an obvious distraction, but they are not the only things you need to watch out for. Even things that can be beneficial can become harmful distractions if you are not careful. For instance, working hard and earning money to support your family is a good thing. If you become obsessed with work and money to the point of neglecting your family and neglecting your relationship with God, though, you have then allowed it to become a distraction.
Read the Bible (Scriptures)
- The Bible is the word of God. It may not give you specific instructions concerning the direction your life has taken, but it does present a good picture of what God wants for and from humanity.
- Since God will never call someone to do something that defies Scripture, having a thorough understanding of what the Bible says can help guide you and empower you to see God’s mind for your life. A sense of purpose and direction.
- Pray. Prayer allows the believer to stay in close, personal connection with God. Prayers of thanksgiving, praise, and supplication all have their rightful place. The important thing is to pray what’s in your heart. Set aside a consistent time to meet with God and be committed to it. Practise makes perfect.
- Think again about how you behave when walking with a friend. You may walk in silence sometimes, but oftentimes, the two of you talk, laugh, and cry together. Prayer is what allows the believer to talk, laugh, and cry together with God.
- Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. While some steps can be determined via Scriptures and church tradition, other steps on your walk with God are more personal. To take those steps, you will need to pray to God and ask to obtain an understanding of what those steps are.
- Children rely on their caretakers to guide them along safe, positive paths. They may think they know all the answers, but inevitably, the time will come when they realize that they should have listened to guidance offered by their parents, grandparents, etc., instead of stubbornly getting themselves into trouble or danger.
- In the same way, believers ultimately rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them along paths that are spiritually positive. Pray for the outpour of the holy spirit over you, to guide you, to open your eyes, so when you read the bible you will understand what God is saying to you.
- Walk with others on the same path. While you can certainly have loved ones outside of the faith, it is important to fellowship with others who share your dedication to God. These people can become your support here on Earth, and you can support them in return.
- Other believers can also help keep you accountable to the commitment you have made to walk with God.
- Keep in mind that God often uses the people in one’s life to guide your steps.
- listen to inspirational elevating music that will aid you on your spiritual journey. Youtube has loads of meditating gospel songs in 50+compilations.
- Get the Bible prayer app unto your smartphone, get a NIV Life Application Bible that has commentary, register on Spirit filled prayer channels or Tunein radios.
Above all join a Holy Spirit filled Church. Perhaps you are a son or daughter of C&S Church and have gone to try better pastures, if it isnt spiritually rewarding, then come back home!. Or perhaps you havent witness a service in a ‘white garment church’, why not give it a try?.
- Why not come and pour out your heart at our Wednesday Shiloh service, just like Hannah did, Let Jehovah wipe away your tears and give you solace. There is no place like HIS PRESENCE. Hence David said..I was glad when they said ‘let us go into the House of the Lord’.
My friend there is a reason why you are reading this article. It’s because ‘Now is your time and your season’!. I can’t help you but all I can say are these few words, JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOU!. I pray that God will make this 2015 your year of lifting and elevation. ‘He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor’. That is our God.
There is nothing HE cannot do and He will do yours, He will answer your prayers and open heavens on your behalf, from the north, south and east favour from every man, woman and child will be yours IJN. All you need to do is WALK WITH GOD!.
PS: Looking forward to welcoming you into our midst(GETTING EXCITED ALREADY!), just ask for me..PASTOR ANGEL 🙂
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