Upcoming events show on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can set events to recur automatically and show events in widgets as this page’s sidebar demonstrates.

Sunday Worship Service

Come and Worship with the King of Kings. As we enter into God’s presence with praise and thanksgiving. AYO NI O!

Light of Christ Ministries

LOCM is a lively and friendly Spirit filled English C&S Church established to cater for our English speaking Congregation and also the young adults from undergraduates to young professionals . Our focus is on Jesus and our desire is to follow Him

Sunday Service Live Worship

Worship with us live on Sunday morning at 10am. We will love to see you and your family join us in Worship Click to watch us live HERE

Shiloh – Wednesday Prayer Service

Come and petition your prayers at His Throne of Mercy. Why not come and pray to the God of Hannah whose prayer’s were answered with an encounter with the God of Miracles at Shiloh. May all your prayers be answered IJN.

Month End Crossing Over Prayer Service

  Crossing Over Prayer Service And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass…