Happy Father’s Day 2015!

Today we celebrate our fathers to whom we owe our whole existence.

A Dad is most equivalently the most important personality in a person’s life. From God Almighty our Father and creator to our Dad’s whom He created in His own image, strong, tall, loving, protective, a provider, a loving husband and a dedicated father. Biological father’s, Step father’s, Mentoring father’s, Spiritual fathers and Adoptive fathers.

Thank you all for being YOU, for your undying love, your protective arms, your reassuring voice and many much more, we say THANKYOU!

So how do we know our husbands,  our loving fathers and caring hubby and gods gift!.  Check them out in these pics….What God has joined together!

It’s all about FAMILY VALUES..Tying Gele’s for their wifey!


This is how we do it..AYO NI O!



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