Command your Morning!

Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place’ Job 39:12

Every morning is another new day, new grace given to live in the land of the living!. You must know that so many slept yesterday just like you, yet they didn’t wake up to this side of life. Rather they passed on to the land of the dead, not because of what they did or failed to do BUT THE GRACE OF GOD.


When God determines your time is up then am afraid its up, no amount of money, no amount of specialist doctors can change it, for God is the owner of life, He gives life, He is JEHOVAH ELSHADDDAI our creator.

So the fact that you woke up again to this world of the living, you open your eyes and can see, breathe, talk, lift your hands and take a walk is Gods doing. Question is why then are you awake when others die?..

Answer: Your God given assignment to do on earth hasnt finished yet, you are yet to complete and hence given another gracious day to walk in faith, eyes fixed on the goal of your calling and with the armour of God fighting forward, pressing on against, hopelessness, poverty, financial stagnancy, spiritual exhaustion, sickness and many many more you alone know.

Every morning is a new opportunity to start afresh, wipe your slate clean, rewrite history of your life, or just redefine things, reorganise, repriotise, reassert, refocus, replan, rethink this time strategically, critically and creatively. You must know your time on earth is limited, you cannot afford to waste another day wallowing in self pity, giving in to depression, hatefulness, loneliness, hopelessness or laziness etc. These are all spiritual blockers and agents of blindness assigned from the pit of hell to hold you down like the ‘Prince of Persia’ only YOU can determine your destiny, to fight back or give in.(Daniel 10:13)

Every morning is a gift, a white envelope full of amazing blessings and opportunities on a platter of gold handed to you in the presence of your enemies!.(psalm23).Therefore you MUST be on guard at ALL times COMMAND YOUR MORNING, think strategically And creatively, what have I got to do today to get close to achieving my goal.

Bible says: ‘Write the vision down, make it clear’.(habakkuk 2:2) meaning get yourself a diary with dates write the goal or vision you have down, list how you are going to accomplish it and work on it daily. Tick off when completed and move to the next.

Share your vision with vision helpers. Get a mentor, friends or colleagues and seek answers in those whom have done it before you.

Read books, research, listen to audio books, podcasts mobile apps, attend classes.

After doing all this with INTENT..


Bible says decree a thing and it shall come to past (Job22:28). We fight against higher powers, dream killers BUT we know that the weapon of our fighting are not that eyes can see, these are spiritual hence you need to COMMAND IT TO GET OUT OF YOUR LIFE, CAST IT DOWN, UPROOT IT OR CALL UPON ANGELS OF HEAVEN TO FIGHT YOUR BATTLE FOR YOU.(Jeremiah 1:10)

Never give up, God is relying on you to showcase His glory, let people know HIM through your handiworks, exhibiting the mighty things He has done through You, remember God is a Spirit and needs YOU a man woman of flesh to display His awesome magnitude.

How will they know of HIM if you are lying down in self pity doing nothing, all HE needs you to do is ‘take a step’ , ‘think mighty thing’s, make big gigantic plans, your Father owns the earth and all that is in it.

Change your mindset, cease from small thinking, think globally recognise that you are an instrument of conversion and HARVEST. A KINGDOM PRACTITIONER dwelling in Light and given the power through the WORD to possess the land till the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST

Brethren it’ time to take your place stop looking for someone else to help, ITS YOU!

And the whole world is waiting for YOU don’t dissapoint God, push forward, press harder  and make History.  THen see the God of Moses part the red sea and manifest His awesome glory, for eyes haven’ seen or ears behold what He has in store for YOU!



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