Covenant Evangelism: PRAISE

Covenant Evangelism 3

Topic:  PRAISE

Bible passages: 2 Chronicles 20:22, Ps. 42:4-6, Ps. 30:9, John 12:43, Acts 16:24-26

I believe that we all know what praise means and what it means to praise someone or something. What we don’t all know is who to praise and as such we get it wrong.

When a child wants to get anything from their parent, they kiss and cuddle and declare undying love. Teenagers will tell you that you are the coolest mum or dad, and then the smart parents will ask the smart question. What do you want now?

When we praise children at schools from nursery to University, it encourages them to do more; hence schools will have sticker and awards for good behaviour or performances.

When your manager gives you a great appraisal at work, you want to do more, achieve more, do better than the last.

We all praise our children, spouses, employees and friends; these are all well and good however most importantly let us learn to praise God.

God gave those children to us; remember some are looking for children. So praise God before you praise the children. Praise the creator not the created

Some of us praise ourselves for our good health because we keep fit; many are dead who are fitter than you and eat healthier than you. So praise God not yourself for your good health and that you are alive today.

Some of us praise our mangers for our jobs and promotion. Remember your manager is only in that post temporarily as he could get sacked or change jobs. So praise God not the manager.

Some of us praise our friends for helping in the time of trouble, that is good but praise God that gave that friend to you and gave the friend the opportunity to help, because if the friend was in the hospital at the time they would not be able to help.

Look around you every day and see there are many reasons to praise God. Praise God because he is supreme, for the sun and air that we breathe in.

Many countries suffer tornadoes, earthquake, volcanic eruptions, civil wars, drought, epidemic, and so on but you get up and go to work peacefully and come back peacefully, not because you are better than those suffering these things but because God gave you that peace.

There are many benefits to praising God indeed. Jesus praised God before raising Lazarus from the dead. The children of Israel praised God and conquered 2 Chronicles 20:22
Paul and Silas praised God in the prison, the chains were broken. Acts 16:24-26  “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed”

The bible says we should praise God regardless of our current situation, it may be difficult, but the rewards are plentiful. That is all God wants from us praise. Just praise God. I pray today that God in his infinite mercy will give us all the spirit of praise. Amen


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