And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony Rev:12:11
What is a ‘Christian testimony’?
A Christian testimony is one’s story or spoken statement, attestation or declaration of how Jesus came through for someone when all hope was lost, an encounter with Christ’s love and sustaining the power of what God has done in his or her life. Each testimony or story is different but it all testifies to the undying love of Jesus Christ to save and deliver. The Bible tells us through Prophet Ezekiel that God takes no pleasure in the death of a person but for you and I to change and live life in full. Ezekiel 33:11
This is the only reason why Jehovah sent us His only begotten Son, that whomever believes Him will not perish but have eternal life John 3:16.
We are therefore encouraged by these stories and testimonies of brethren around the world, showing us that God is still in the business of doing Miracles, He hasn’t forgotten anyone, nor forsaken anyone, HE IS LOVE and in HIM THERE IS NO CHANGE. These stories will show how the lost, weary, suicidal, adulterer, murderer, the lonely, abused and the abuser all came to be delivered and set free. The hopeless received joy just at the dire minute when all hope was lost.
This is to encourage you that there is no ‘lost case’ with GOD, after all WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. As we share stories, videos of people from all around the Globe, we hope you too are encouraged that your testimony too is just around the corner!.
And when it does happen, please share with us and encourage someone else!.
Remember!..We overcome by the Word of our Testimony!